Development is going well! (For now)

Hello again, It hasn't been long has it, Did ya miss me probably not but I have a few updates.

So I've been working on a graph for whats gonna be in the game, and I'm working on a few other features but thats not stopped core features I need in the game. I've been working on the game and I've put in a few other core features, and reworked a few.

And I will probably be slowing down development as the year progresses and more irl stuff starts, and not only that, GMTK 2024 starts soon (August 16th 10:00 AM PST with 4 days to develop our games) I will be joining cause I haven't done one in a while.

A few features I do want to add, Maybe a map this probably won't be added until Public beta - Early access.

A few things I've worked on, Inventory, Heath, Items, And game controllers as those will be important for the future of development.

Thats it for now cya soon, If you need to contact me look at my website as it has some info.

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